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Poozycat Project Archives for September 12-17, 2022.

September 12, 2022: "Again I must remind you that a dog's a dog--a cat's a cat." - T. S. Eliot

kittens asleeo in trash bucket

A Moment of Feline Zen: Always remember to recycle your kittens.

cat fur comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: An alternative to clay cat litter.
royalty cat painting
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Royal Portrait", by Gallina Bugaevskaya.

September 13, 2022: "Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!" - Theophile Gautier

cat with beans on beans

A Moment of Feline Zen: Bean-ception.

cat logic comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: "Okay?". "Okay!".
forest fire cat painting
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Forest Fire Cat", by Elizabeth Jancewicz.

September 14, 2022: "It is in the nature of cats to do a certain amount of unescorted roaming." - Adlai Stevenson

cat in an onion patch

A Moment of Feline Zen: "I am a beautiful onion."

cat minotaur comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Quiet protestations.
cat on porch art
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Summer Watch", by Edie Harper.

September 15, 2022: "The cat of the slums and alleys, starved, outcast, harried, ... still displays the self-reliant watchfulness which man has never taught it to lay aside." - Saki

cat between couch cushions

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Dang! Not a penny in these cushions. Can you spare a quarter?"

things that fascinate cats comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: The Cat Backpack.
pencil cat art portrait
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Lazy Cat", by M. Shuman.

September 16, 2022: "When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not a pastime to her more than she to me?" - Montaigne

toe attack cat

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Mine! Mine-mine-mine-mine-mine!"

all night cat party comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Thurston Waffles has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. RIP, little friend.
green crazy cat art portrait
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Bean", by Gregory Jacobsen.

September 17, 2022: "A cat is the only domestic animal I know who toilet trains itself and does a damned impressive job of it." - Joseph Epstein

passed-out cat

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Finally! The weekend!"

lost cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: "Catherine" (Warning: Adult themes.)
catgirl and cat art
Contemporary Cat Culture: "Catgirl and Cat", by Yun.
Cat News & Notes for September 12-17, 2022.
Visit beautiful downtown

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