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Poozycat Project Archive for August 19-24, 2024.

August 19, 2024: "If you yell at a cat, you're the one who is making a fool of yourself."
- Unknown

cat hiding under sink

A Moment of Feline Zen: Hidden cat, crouching kitty.

aladdin's cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Kitty acrobatics.
scratchboard cat art
Cat Culture: "Dark-Eyed Cat" scratchboard art by Reddit user "Klusie".

August 20, 2024: "An ordinary kitten will ask more questions than any five year old."
- Carl Van Vechten

mom cat with fish

A Moment of Feline Zen: Mom goes shopping.

lazy cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: "I hear you knockin'."
tigers painted with coffee
Cat Culture: "Coffee Tigers" by Reddit user "Gnevol".

August 21, 2024: "Essentially, you do not so much teach your cat as bribe him." - Lynn Holly

black and white cats sleeping

A Moment of Feline Zen: Bunk Buddies.

famine cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Shootin' the shit with Mr. Clinton.
seashell cat art
Cat Culture: "Rest" by Reddit user "anxietycatto".

August 22, 2024: "There are few things in life more heart warming than to be welcomed by a cat." - Tay Hohoff

the shy cat

A Moment of Feline Zen: Mr. Sacksy and the Introvert.

laser pointer cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: The "Meow-Meow" song.
kaiju cat art
Cat Culture: "Heeeere, kitty-kitty" by Eugene Korolev.

August 23, 2024: "Any household with at least one feline member has no need for an alarm clock."
- Louise A. Belcher

cat scared of vet

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope!"

 cat mouse comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: "My window, my rules!"
pipe-cleaner cat art
Cat Culture: Pipe-cleaner cat. Artist unknown.

August 24, 2024: "Cats conspire to keep us at arm's length." - Frank Perkins

three interested cats

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Bring us tuna! We outnumber you at least 127 to one!"

greeat big cat box comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: The Kustom Kat Kondo.
big fat cat art
Cat Culture: "Big Beautiful Cat". Artist unknown.
Cat News & Notes for August 19-24, 2024.

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