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Poozycat Project Archive for September 23-28, 2024.

September 23, 2024: "One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."- Pam Brown

four birthday cats

The Poozycat Project just turned four! Thanks for being here, cat fans!

cat scan comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Magical Cat, a magical compilation.
monet cat art
Cat Culture: "Cat Dip" by Villancet.

September 24, 2024: "Many a cat can only be lured in by switching off all the lights and keeping very still. Until the indignant cry of a cat-locked-out comes at the door."- Pam Brown

cat plays leap frog

A Moment of Feline Zen: "You play leap-frog your way, I'll play it MY way."

cat can opener comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Simon's cat goes missing.
coffee tuger art
Cat Culture: "Coffee Tiger" by GnevOl.

September 25, 2024: "If we treated everyone we meet with the same affection we bestow upon our favorite cat, they, too, would purr." - Martin Buxbaum

emergency cat shirt

A Moment of Feline Zen: This kind of therapy has no unpleasant side-effects.

cat vs. alcoholic comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Simon's Cat goes missing, Part Three.
cat with ice cream art
Cat Culture: "Sunny Cat" by Reddit user Mooneyesart.

September 26, 2024: "Cats always know whether people like or dislike them. They do not always care enough to do anything about it." - Winifred Carriere

lovesick leopard

A Moment of Feline Zen: The look of love.

furniture salesman cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Meet the deadliest cat on the planet.
painterly cat art
Cat Culture: "Chloe's Cat" by Reddit user "Mrmastomas".

September 27, 2024: "Even if you have just destroyed a Ming Vase, purr. Usually all will be forgiven."
- Lenny Rubenstein

cat sunbathing

A Moment of Feline Zen: Tan, rested, and ready.

cat weirdness comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: This is not real. Don't care.
 cat cafe manga  art
Cat Culture: "Cat Cafe Street Cat" by TAO.

September 28, 2024: "Cats at firesides live luxuriously and are the picture of comfort." - Leigh Hunt

cat pn edge of tub

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Ohhhh, so THAT'S a Brazillian."

cat fur comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: The feral cat who came to stay.
 cat shedding art
Cat Culture: "Shedding" by EmptyIs.
Cat News & Notes for September 23-28, 2024.

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