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Poozycat Project Archive for March 20-25, 2023.

March 20, 2023: "There are many innocent cats lifted in the air because of The Lion King."
- Reddit user "yo_mama_420e"

cat in crown

A Moment of Feline Zen: "We are not a-mews-ed. Or maybe we are. Who can tell?"

spider-cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: A song for biting.
cats on the moon art
Cat Culture: "Lunar Cats" by Danial Ryan.

March 21, 2023: "A cat pours his body on the floor like water. It is restful just to see him."
- William Lyon Phelps

cat sleeping on shelves

A Moment of Feline Zen: Cat tetris.

cat fixate comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: Finger-licking gooooood.
caterpillar eater cat art
Cat Culture: "Caterpillar" by Jemaica Murphy.

March 22, 2023: "With their qualities of cleanliness, discretion, affection, patience, dignity, and courage, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of becoming cats?" - Fernand Mery

broken cat

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Honey! Get the manual. I've done something wrong."

robot eat cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: If cats had podcasts.
regal cat amulet art
Cat Culture: "Lord Peter Gingerelli", artist unknown.

March 23, 2023: "Maybe cats purposely break stuff off of shelves so that when the owner buys a replacement, they can play in the boxes." - Reddit user "carpy"

cat sitting awkwardly

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Welcome to Advanced Awkward Sitting 101."

cat present comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: The new sister.
liquid cats art
Cat Culture: "Liquid Cats" by Heather Louis.

March 24, 2023: "It is in the nature of cats to do a certain amount of unescorted roaming."
- Adlai Stevenson

cat sleeping in grass

A Moment of Feline Zen: Spring has sprung.

lonely cat comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: It's Plasma Cat!
graphic cat art
Cat Culture: "Cat (Colorized)" by Zach Fuller.

March 25, 2023: "When anyone mistreats it, the cat wants nothing more to do with that person and will remember him or her for a long time. It doesn't believe in the doctrine of turning the other cheek and won't pretend that it does." - Lawrence N. Johnson

cat with tongue out

A Moment of Feline Zen: "Nyahhhhh!"

cat hates birds comic
Fabulous Feline Funnies
Today's Kitty Video: "I'm so pretty. Oh, so pretty."
happy kitten art
Cat Culture: "Happy Kitten" by Alex Truesdale.
Cat News & Notes for March 20-25, 2023.

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